Sunday, September 15, 2013

Precious Bones

This is a great mystery book. You know, this is the kind of book that you have no idea, that not of even in the stretch of the imagination you know what would happen next. There's a lot of suspense and at some point, I thought I was the principal character! I can tell you one thing: usually thinking I'm the principal character, that's not my thing.

I can't even start to tell you guys how much I loved this book. It's the kind of book that makes you never want to stop reading. It's this thrilling, chilling story that sometimes brings chills down your spine and maybe say ewwww! But that just ads the excitement to it. So prepare yourselfs because your going to read a thrilling adventure!!!


Summary: A 10 year old girl named Bones, lived with her parents on the edge of a Florida swamp. The summer of 1949 ends and 3 real estate agents and Bones's father chases them away with a gun. A few weeks later, Bones and her best friend, Little Man, discover 2 murders near their house. A policeman accuses Nolay, Bones's father, because it was on the edge of his territory and found something pretty disgusting out in the swamp behind their house. Bones and Little Man have to prove to everybody that Nolay is innocent... but how? And certainly, will they find out before the time runs out?

Age: 10+

Where it comes from: my old school had this thing called Scholastics and I ordered it from there.

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